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Music Ministry:



Great-House Records is a record company based in Ventura, CA. started by Dr. Great-House for service to the church.


PRES./C.E.O.: Dr. J.S. Great-House

SECRETARY: Mark J. Great-House
TREASURER: Jennifer Garrett Great-House



The best way to start talking about exercise is to mention that there are
two types of exercise: Aerobic and Anaerobic. Some aerobic exercises are
jogging, swimming, aerobic workouts, etc.., and some anaerobic exercises
are weight lifting, football, baseball.
    Aerobic Exercise And Its Effect In Our Body:
There are a lot of adaptations that the body makes when exercised
aerobically. These physical adaptation begin to occur after about four
weeks of a consistent exercise schedule (a minimum of three 30-minute
sessions per week). The short term effect of exercise leave the body within
48 hours. But the exciting news is that after only three month, you will
develop what is called "training effect," the network of highly efficient
body system which coordinate to produce well-developed physical fitness.
But the other side of this is that if you stopped exercising, this body effect

The message is that the following adaptations are maintained only with
consistent exercise.
    The heart actually becomes larger: The heart muscles will grow stronger
    and larger every time you increase the work load. The heart increases in
    size and weight and can sustain longer exercise with less effort.
    The stroke volume of the heart increases: Each beat, the heart will pump
    more nutrient-rich blood to the muscles.
    The muscle then becomes more efficient (with less effort, i.e. with less
    beats) in pumping the blood through out the body.
    The heart at rest will beat slower: The trained heart becomes more
    efficient in pumping blood during the day, and the resting heart beat
    becomes lower. The average heart rate in an average person ranges
    from 60 - 100 beats per minutes and is typically 72. As we train our
    heart, it will beat slower with more blood pumped per beat. A lower
    resting heart beat, heart beat less than 60 beats per minutes, is
    considered a sign for fitness. Another benefit of a fit heart is that we
    will get a faster recovery after a strenuous exercise. Our heart rate will
    return to normal faster after exercising, and we will feel more energetic
    and active.
    We will develop more endurance with less fatigue: The body become
    more efficient in replacing the by-products that is makes us fatigue.
    The body use oxygen more efficiently: With exercise, the body becomes
    more efficient in producing oxygen to product a sustained supply of
    The body increases the stores of energy: This build-up yields more
    immediate available energy.
    The body increases the number of capillaries: The circulatory system
    builds  more capillary to deliver more blood to the working muscles in
    order to meet the demand o the working muscles.
    The volume of the blood increases: The fit body can increase the amount
    of the blood and the number of the red blood cell in order to meet the
    energy demand of the working muscles.
    The ratio of fat to muscle starts to shift: Aerobic exercise burns fat for
    energy, and at the same time, lean muscles increases to meet the
    demand of the regular exercise.
    The body burns calories more efficiently: Muscles burn more calories
    than fat. With high muscle to fat ratio, the body will burn more energy
    at rest, i.e. the resting energy expenditure (basal metabolic rate BMR)
    Exercise can help with the emotional and psychological coping: Having
    a fit body as a result of exercise is by itself a reward that we will be
    proud of. A physically fit person has the ability to achieve more than
    everyday survival, he/she can handle stress more efficiently, and the challenges of
    setting and reaching long-term goal becomes a possible dream.
    Anaerobic Exercise:

Anaerobic exercise, as in the case of aerobic exercise, induces a shift in
body composition from fat to muscles, but unlike aerobic exercise, does
not develop the same amount of endurance that aerobic exercise develops.
Anaerobic exercise focuses on developing the muscles and delivering power
response from the muscles, this power response makes the body adapt to
short bouts of high-intensity activities. The following are the body
adaptations to anaerobic training:
  1.Muscular strength and endurance: The muscle grows stronger as a
     result of weight lifting. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the
     muscles to sustain increased repetitions of an exercise without growing
  2.The muscle increases in size: When using the muscles, the muscle cells
     increase in number and size resulting in an overall increase in muscle
  3.Muscle fibers enlarged as well: The fibers within the muscle enlarged
     are and subdivided.
  4.The ratio of fat to lean muscle mass changes: The muscle will develop
     as a result of exercise, and the fat will be used for energy. Also, when
     the ratio of muscle to fat is larger, muscle burns a large percentage of
     energy we eat, but fat burns nothing. This means that a body with a
     large muscle proportion to fat, the Resting Energy Expenditure
  5.The body stores greater amounts of energy for immediate power use.

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